This past holiday season, we hosted a series of events for our foster youth and their CASA Volunteers filled with old holiday traditions and introduced a few new ones.
Christmas in the Park & Our NMDs
CASAs and non-minor dependents (NMDs) participated in the second annual tree decorating event at Christmas in the Park located in downtown San Jose on Nov 21, 2022. The tree’s theme was “My Time to Shine”. CASA Specialists worked diligently with CASA Volunteers to have each NMD’s voice represented on the tree through an ornament with a written aspiration/dream from the NMD.
Annual Holiday Party
Our Annual Holiday Party took place at the Brookside Club of Saratoga on Dec 17, 2022. The morning portion of the event focused on children ages 12 and under, while the afternoon portion focused on youth ages 13-17. Over 75 children and youth participated in age-appropriate holiday activities with their CASA Volunteers. Activities included building ornaments, drafting letters to Santa Claus, pickleball and more. Read the full event recap.
CASA Village
Our Milpitas office was magically transformed into CASA Village, a holiday workshop filled with festive decor and toys, during December 18 – 23, 2022. CASAs dropped by to pick up gifts for their youth. Youth who would stop by with their CASA could also select gifts for their family. In addition, our staff worked meticulously to package gifts for our out-of-county youth. All items were donated by the community during our holiday giving initiative.
If you are interested in sponsoring future holiday events and/or hosting a holiday toy drive in the upcoming future, please contact our development department at