During the 2023 holiday season, our agency hosted a series of events for children, teens and young adults in Santa Clara County’s foster care system to enjoy with their Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteers. Thank you to all of our donors, sponsors, community partners and CASAs who helped us bring this festive season to life.
Christmas in the Park
Non-minor dependents (NMDs) and their CASA Volunteers joined our staff at Christmas in the Park’s Enchanted Forest for the third annual tree-decorating event on November 20th. Every ornament on 2023’s “Book of Life” themed tree was lovingly put together, each representing a person, pet or memory important to its creator.
Annual Holiday Parties
The only thing better than a holiday party is a holiday pajama party! We had a blast hosting two festive events at Brookside Club of Saratoga on December 16th. The morning was geared toward foster children ages 0–12, while we welcomed teenagers 13 and older in the afternoon. Over 80 kids, adolescents and CASA Volunteers joined in the festivities and participated in various holiday-themed activities, all dressed in their coziest pajamas.
Read here for photos and the full event recap.
CASA Village
The week of December 10th, our Milpitas office magically transformed into “CASA Village,” a holiday workshop full of festive toys and decor. CASAs and their youths stopped by to shop at our CASA Store and pick up their personalized gifts, each carefully curated by Child Advocates staff members. Children, teens and young adults located outside of the county were still able to to celebrate with us from afar, all receiving special deliveries in the mail. This year’s gift bags were made possible by the generosity of community members and partners who participated in our 2023 Holiday Toy Drive.
Read our holiday giving recap here.
If you are interested in hosting a future toy drive or sponsoring a youth-related event, please contact our development department at development@childadvocatessv.org.