Virtual Foster5K set for next month supports services of Child Advocates

Los Altos Town Crier | March 17, 2021
By: Special to the Town Crier

The fifth Foster5K is scheduled as a virtual event April 25. The annual fundraiser supports Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, a nonprofit organization that serves foster youth in Santa Clara County.

Last year’s virtual event drew more than 400 participants and generated over $30,000 for Child Advocates.

Debbie Crouse, Foster5K co-chair and Child Advocates board member, said the Foster5K organizing committee was “blown away” by last year’s response.

“We told participants to ‘run’ their 5K anyplace, anytime, anywhere – and they did it,” said the longtime Los Altos resident.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Foster5K, organizers will give returning participants commemorative pins and T-shirts.

In fiscal year 2020, Child Advocates served 940 foster children through its Court Appointed Special Advocate program, which recruits, trains and supports people who are appointed with a court order by a judge to advocate for the best interests of a child in foster care.

To register for Foster5K, donate or become a sponsor, visit

For more information on Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, visit

View this article in Los Altos Town Crier.